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Recharge | The Awayday Blog

July 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

July 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

When I decided months ago that July's Awayday Box would have a COOL theme, I had no idea just how needed this theme would be! I was definitely glad to send out items to keep subscribers cool and calm during this crazy heat wave.  Before we get to what was inside... Don't miss another box! Subscribe to Awayday and get...
on January 19, 2024
June 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

June 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

Suffice it to say, the "Here Comes the Sun"-themed June box was the BRIGHTEST one yet! Yup, everything in the box was bright yellow, which I happen to think is one of the cheeriest colors that exist.
on August 04, 2023
May 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

May 2023 Awayday Box Reveal

This month's CULTIVATE theme for the Awayday box has been an homage to plants and all that they can teach us about life -- no green thumb required!
on June 21, 2023